Basic breeding soundness examination
Semen collection
Semen assessment: basic & advanced techniques
Processing & preparing semen for chilled shipment
Freezing, thawing and storing frozen semen
Equipment, supplies and space requirements for semen collection, analysis, handling, freezing and storage
Describe the unique anatomy of the reproductive tract of the bitch
Identify various intrauterine AI techniques
Describe various methods for AI
Understand the importance of pre-breeding, gestational, and periparturient care; nutrition; and overall health of the breeding bitch
Understand basic physiologic differences in the pregnant bitch versus the non-pregnant bitch
Become familiar with the most common periparturient disorders
Be able to implement appropriate diagnostic testing and treatment protocols for the most common periparturient disorders
- Recall the methods used to estimate fetal a
- Identify normal parturition and delivery of pups.ge.
- Identify the three stages of labor.
- Describe the normal physiology of parturition and list physiological triggers, typical behaviors, and events associated with parturition.
- List the varied causes of canine dystocia and how they can be categorized.
- Assess a pregnant bitch presenting for possible dystocia.
- Using methods and information from the previous module on fetal age estimation and fetal assessment, determine an appropriate dystocia treatment plan based on clinical parameters of the bitch and pups to determine appropriate intervention – medical management versus surgical cesarean section.