Elective – Working Dog Reproduction PART 1

$225.00 $300.00

Working Dog Reproduction PART 1

This elective is part 1 of 2. In this elective, you will learn breeding management for working dogs. There are many factors and decisions that determine the overall success of canine breeding programs. This elective reviews the normal physiology and behavior associated with pregnancy and parturition in the female dog and the stages of fetal development and outlines the factors and causes of canine dystocia.

$225.00 $300.00

To be able to register for Elective - Working Dog Reproduction PART 1, you will need to have purchased the prerequisite "Introduction: Online Modules" and "Core: 3-Day Hands On"


  • Understand why breeding for health is so important to genetic gain and what tests to perform to achieve this.
  • Implement the tools and techniques developed for monitoring the canine estrous cycle.
  • List the behavioral, anatomical, hormonal, and physiological changes associated with the canine estrous cycle.
  • Identify important anatomical landmarks in the bitch’s reproductive tract.
  • Determine the most appropriate time to perform an insemination for each semen type (fresh, chilled, or frozen thawed) based on interpretation of progesterone concentration and vaginal cytology.
  • Recall the normal physiology of pregnancy.
  • List the physiological triggers and typical behaviors and events associated with parturition.
  • List the ways to detect canine pregnancy.
  • Recall the methods used to estimate fetal a
  • Identify normal parturition and delivery of pups.ge.
  • Identify the three stages of labor.
  • Describe the normal physiology of parturition and list physiological triggers, typical behaviors, and events associated with parturition.
  • List the varied causes of canine dystocia and how they can be categorized.
  • Assess a pregnant bitch presenting for possible dystocia.
  • Using methods and information from the previous module on fetal age estimation and fetal assessment, determine an appropriate dystocia treatment plan based on clinical parameters of the bitch and pups to determine appropriate intervention – medical management versus surgical cesarean section.

Course Details

Prerequisites: “Introduction: Online Module” and “Core 3-Day Hands-On”

Credits: 4 hours online – RACE certified


1: Canine Breeding Management

2: Normal Gestation and Parturition in Working Dogs

3: Diagnosis and Management of Dystocia


4 online hours (CE approved by the University of Pennsylvania)
Access:12-month access

This elective is authored by Dr. Fiona Hollingshead BVSc, MAVCSc, Ph.D.,DACT. Association Profession in Small Animation Reproduction. Dr. Marc Knobbe, DVM, MPH, Diplomate, American College of Theriogenology, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Preventative Medicine, and Dr. Greg Burns, DVM, DACT, Associate Professor of Small Animal Theriogenology at Colorado State University. College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

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